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Conferences organised:

Conferences attended and papers presented:

  • March 2023, University of Silesia in Katowice, Foreign Language Teaching Centre
    Dobrostan ucznia i nauczyciela glottodydaktyka [Language learner and teacher wellbeing]

  • November 2022, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities,
    Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)
    7th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature:
    Representation: between and beyond cyclicity and newness in literature, language, and philosophy

    paper: “Between cyclicity and newness in humorous COVID-19-related advertising”


  • November 2022, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Linguistics
    Noc Anglistów [The Long Anglicist Night]
    workshop: „Warsztaty z memiarstwa stosowanego – gry językowe w memach”
    [Applied memerization workshop – wordplay in memes]
    (with D. Jakubowski, K. Lasota, J. Ryszka, and M. Moskal) 


  • October 2022, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
    Komizm historyczny i współczesny [Historical and contemporary comedy]
    paper: „Humor pomostem między wczoraj a dziś: analiza realizacji humoru intertekstualnego na wybranych przykładach kampanii reklamowej Lidla na Facebooku” [“Humor as a bridge between yesterday and today: the analysis of the implementation  of intertextual humor in selected examples of Lidl’s advertising campaign on Facebook”]


  • December 2021, University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Humanities
    3. Dzień Komunikacji Międzykulturowej [Cross-cultural Communication Day 3]
    paper: „O humorze – wstęp teoretyczny” [On humour – theoretical introduction]


  • November 2021, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Linguistics
    Noc Anglistów [The Long Anglicist Night]
    "Językowe środki perswazji i manipulacji – krótkie wprowadzenie praktyczne" [Linguistic means of persuasion and manipulation – a short practical introduction]
    (with M. Hanuszkiewicz, D. Jakubowski, K. Lasota, and J. Ryszka)


  • November 2021, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities;
    Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain; international conference
    6th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature:
    Hybridity in theory and practice: cross-field perspectives

    paper: "Hybridity in humorous discourse: a cross-field perspective"


  • October 2021, 5th Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE
    "„Co was tak niby bawi?” Czyli o tym, dlaczego się śmiejemy" [“What's so funny?” Why we laugh] (with G. Zemełka)


  • October 2021, Polish Academy of Sciences – Scientific Center in Paris, Global Research Institute of Paris, Université de Paris, France
    Specialised Language Teaching in the Era of Globalisation /
    L’enseignement des langues de spécialité à l'heure de la globalisation 


  • June 2021, University of Łódź, 
    Dyskursy internetowe a norma [Internet discourse and the norm]


  • May 2021, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Linguistics,
    32nd International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition:
    Narratives of Success and Failure: Stories from Foreign Language Teachers and Learners


  • December 2020, Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies; Pedagogical University of Cracow; Jagiellonian University
    Language in the Third Millenium 11: Language in the Social Semiotic
    paper: "Humour in the Time of Corona: Advertising Discourse and COVID-19-related Humour"


  • November 2020, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities; Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain; international conference 
    5th Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature: Between clarity and fuzziness. Investigating the concept of meaning in linguistic, literary and philosophical contexts
    paper: "Play with words, play with intertexts: inducers of humour in social media ads  for Lidl"


  • June 2020, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Polish Academy of Sciences - Scientific Center in Rome, Italy; University of Wroclaw; Æ Academic Publishing 
    international conference 

    1st International Conference On Interdisciplinary Issues BEYOND LANGUAGE
    paper: "The intricacies of (debatable) humour in advertising - a cross-cultural comparison"


  • October 2019, University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Linguistics, 
    Various Dimensions Of Contrastive Studies: Language Contact (VDOCS 2019)
    paper: "On Language Contact Phenomena in Advertising"


  • April 2019, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of English, the Institute of English Cultures and Literatures, and the Institute of Romance Languages and Translation Studies, Humor Research Project conference (HRP)
    paper: "Funny or distasteful? A cross-cultural perspective on surprise and humour in multimodal advertising"


  • November 2018, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of English Cultures and Literatures, the international conference Emotions: the Engines of History
    paper: "Humour elicitation and (re)creation of new cultural and historical experience in advertising discourse"


  • October 2018, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of English, 1st conference Dimensions of Business Language and Culture (DOBLAC 2018)
    paper: "Sociopragmatic and strategic functions of humour in intercultural business contexts" (with A. Skuła)


  • May 2018, University of Silesia in Katowice - Faculty of Philology, Festiwal Kreatywności [Creativity Festival]
    workshop: "Humor narzędziem kreatywności w komunikacji międzykulturowej" 

    ["Humour as a creative tool in multicultural communication"] (with A. Skuła)


  • April 2018, University of Wroclaw, conference Językoznawcza strona popkultury [The linguistic side of pop culture]
    paper: "Icons of Pop Culture Marketised – Considerations Related to Popular Culture in Ads"


  • November 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice, Humor Research Project seminar (HRP)
    paper: "Towards enhancement, distraction or oblivion – studying the impact of humorous language in advertising" 
    (with G. Zemełka)


  • November 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice, Humor Research Project seminar (HRP)
    paper: "The Thin Invisible Line - Between Funny and Distasteful Multimodal Advertising Discourse"


  • November 2017, University of Bielsko-Biała - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - VIII interdisciplinary conference Media w społeczeństwie - społeczeństwo w mediach [The media in the society - the society in the media]
    paper: "How to befriend an ad? A sociolinguistic and sociocultural inquiry into social media ads on Facebook"


  • October 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of English, the 4th international conference Various Dimensions of Contrastive Studies: Various Dimensions of Place
    paper: "At the confluence of languages – Language transfer as a learning strategy"


  • October 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice, Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Micro i Makro Trendy w Nauce [Interdisciplinary Conference: Micro and Macro Trends in Science]
    paper: "Efekty wizualne czy efekty uboczne? Komunikacja wizualna w języku reklamy i kulturze współczesnej" ["Sight effects or side effects? Visual communication in the language of advertising and contemporary culture"]


  • September 2017, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (UMCS) - The Departments of Cognitive Linguistics and Cultural Linguistics at the Institute of English of the UMCS, Culture • Cognition • Communication: (Inter)cultural perspectives on language  and the mind (ICPLM 2017) 
    paper: "Less words, please! Visual ads as evocative rhetorical constructs of the modern age"


  • June 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice - Faculty of Philology, Metodologia Badań Językoznawczych [Linguistic Methodology] - an academic project by NEOlinguists - the PhD candidate association

  • June 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice, Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Młodzi Naukowcy – Badania, Zainteresowania, Pasje [Interdisciplinary Conference: Young Researchers - Research, Interests, Passions]
    paper: "Language and (pop)culture - advertising slogans as the source of phrasemes in colloquial language"


  • June 2017, University of Bielsko-Biała - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department
    of English Studies, the international conference Rethinking Directions in Language Teaching
    and Researching

    paper: "Ad language is my language – the impact of advertising messages on contemporary idio- and sociolects"


  • May 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice - Faculty of Philology, Nauka i humor [Academic Studies and Humour] - an academic project by NEOlinguists - the PhD candidate association

  • May 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice - Faculty of Philology, Festiwal Kreatywności [Creativity Festival], seminar and workshop: W wirze języka [In a vortex of language]

  • April 2017, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of Cultural and Interdisciplinary Studies, research conference Co nowego w nowych mediach? Transformacje, perspektywy, oczekiwania 
    [What's new in new media? Transformations, perspectives, expectations]
    paper: „Marketing internetowy a spersonalizowana mieszanka treści, czyli specyfika języka reklamy w mediach społecznościowych” ["Internet marketing and personalised content mix -the peculiarity of the language of advertising in social media"]


  • April 2017, University of Lodz - Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, 
    Meaning, Context & Cognition (MCC 2017)


  • April 2017, University of Lodz - Department of Romance Languages, international conference 
    Colloque International: Les variétés langagières sur Internet
    paper: "Language and narrative patterns in creepypastas" (with A. Serwotka)


  • April 2017, Teacher's Progress Days 2017 - the conference on methodology, The Gift of the Gab: How to Bring Speaking to Life

  • November 2016, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice - College of Social Sciences and Foreign Philologies, Przestrzeń światła - przestrzeń cienia- językowe środki wyrażania kontrastu
    paper: „Kontrast, rozdźwięk i szok w królestwie reklamy” ["Contrast, dissonance, and shock in the realm of advertising"]


  • October 2016, University of Silesia in Katowice - Institute of English, the 3rd international conference 
    Various Dimensions of Contrastive Studies: Between Literal Language and Figurative Meaning


  • September 2016, University of Wrocław, Popkultura i stereotypy - ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa 
    [Pop culture and stereotypes research conference]
    paper: "American identity stereotyped – presidential discourse as an act of socio-political expedient"


  • April 2016, Jan Długosz University of Częstochowa (AJD), The Fourth Young Researcher Conference on Language and Culture: Mapping New Spaces
    paper: "American identity enveloped in words"

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